Deveronside Fishings

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Deveronside Fishings offers seven miles of salmon and seatrout fishing on the River Deveron on the following beats - Upper Netherdale beat 1, Upper Netherdale beat 2, Lower Netherdale, Laithers and Carnousie & Ardmiddle.

Lower Netherdale is fished independently and the other four beats are fished as part of a rotation which offers guests a variety of fishing in contrasting surroundings. The resident ghillie will accompany guests staying at Waterside Lodge throughout their stay and if you are visiting day guests a ghillie can be requested . The ghillie can help experienced anglers with advice on where to fish and choice of tackle or can also help with tuition for any novices in the party.

While most attention is focused on salmon and seatrout fishing the river holds a good stock of fighting wild brown trout which can be exciting sport in the early months of the season.

Weather can disrupt fishing on all rivers – drought and spates can on occasions make angling difficult or impossible. In such conditions Deveronside Fishings has a private trout loch which is stocked with brown and rainbow trout. Please enquire directly for further details.

  • Opening Times
    The salmon fishing season on the River Deveron runs from 11 February - 31 October each year and the brown trout season from 14 March until 6 October.

    Monday - Saturday only.

    Limited to a maximum of 3 rods per beat so please book in advance to avoid disappointment.
  • Facilities
    • Pets Allowed
    • Parking