Seagully Blonde

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His Majesty's Theatre
Rosemount Viaduct
AB25 1GL

Fresh from the record breaking ‘Mounthoolin’ Rouge’, Aberdeen Student Show are tickled pink tae be returning for their next production, ‘Seagully Blonde’!

Kinkell Woods (but ye can ca her Elle, abdy does) is makkin’ her wye from oot in the sticks to the granite city to start a law degree (Fit, like it’s hard?!). She’s nae followin’ her ex there, honest. But if he happens tae be there too, she micht be able tae win him back. Or micht she realise there’s mair tae life, and mair tae her, than haein’ a mannie by her side?

All rise for anither rare nicht oot fae Aiberdeen Student Show. And ‘at’s the truth, the hale truth and nithin’ but the truth!

  • Dates & Booking

    Apr. 23, 2025 7:30pm

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    Apr. 24, 2025 7:30pm

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    Apr. 25, 2025 5:00pm

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    Apr. 25, 2025 8:30pm

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    Apr. 26, 2025 2:30pm

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    Apr. 26, 2025 7:30pm

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  • Ticket Info

    Standard - From £10.00 - £33.00

    Concession - From £25.00 - £30.00

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