Fit Ye Sayin'Quine?

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Alvah Parish Hall
AB45 3XA

Ages 12+

Kinetic, heartfelt, and utterly Scottish; join Ava in her late Grannies cottage as she recalls magical tales told around the fire. Folklore, poetry and song combine in a new story filled with fantastical women, mythical creatures and life lessons.

Performed in Doric, Scots and English this solo play provides a unique perspective on Scotlands languages and history through the eyes of its matriarchs. A colloquial and effortlessly charming show that reminds us that home is made of memories.

  • Dates & Booking

    May. 25, 2025 7:00pm

    Book now
  • Ticket Info

    Standard - From £7.00 - £10.00

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