Countesswells and Foggieton Forests - Forestry Commission Scotland

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Walk in Countesswells or Foggieton on the outskirts of Aberdeen and you'll be led through a variety of woodland from the huge mature conifers to open viewpoints over the surrounding farmland. Enjoy a stroll, with or without your dog!


This former farmland, close to Aberdeen, was owned by the Burnett family - General Burnetts monument is on Scolty hill in Banchory.


Along the trails you can see the remains of rig and furrow in places and fine drystane dykes that once seperated the fields.


The majestic beech trees were planted in the 1870s to produce timber 100 years later! Walk down the grand avenue of Spruce in Countesswells, ride your horse through the trees or enjoy a healthy jog.



Countesswells: From the A93, take the unclassified road north at the junction at Bieldside church, turn right at the T-junction then first left and the forest car park at sign posted on your left, approximately 200m from the T-junction. From the A944, turn south along the unclassified road at the Kingswells roundabout. Approximately 1.5km from the roundabout the forest car park is sign posted on your right. 


Foggieton: From the A93, turn north onto the unclassified road at the Bieldside junction beside the church. The forest car park is on your right, approximately 2km from junction.

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