Ben Aaronovitch & Maud Woolf

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University Of Aberdeen
King's College
AB24 3FX

The Centre for the Novel is proud to collaborate with the WayWORD Festival to host Ben Aaronovitch (author of the hugely successful Rivers of London series) and Maud Woolf (award-winning author of horror and science-fiction, including her new novel Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock ). As well as discussing their latest work, there will be a chance to hear them read some of their favourite extracts, and an audience Q&A. Rumour has it Ben is working on a novel set in The Granite City – this will be an ideal opportunity to find out more! A must for fans of speculative fiction, sci-fi, and reimaginings of the world we think we know.

Born and raised in London, Ben Aaronovitch had the sort of unrelentingly uninteresting childhood that drives a person to drink or Science Fiction. The latter proved useful in his early career when he wrote for Doctor Who (before it was fashionable), Casualty and the cheapest soap opera ever made - Jupiter Moon . Alas his career foundered in the late 1990s and he was forced to go out and work for living. It was while running the Crime and Science Fiction sections at the Covent Garden branch of Waterstones that he conceived the notion of writing novels instead. Thus was the Rivers of London series born and when the first book proved to be a runaway success he waited all of five minutes to give up the day job and return to the bliss that is a full-time writing career. He still lives in the city that he modestly calls 'the capital of the world' and says he will leave when they prise London from his cold dead fingers. He promises that he is already hard at work on the next Peter Grant novel and not computer games - honest.

Maud Woolf is a Scottish speculative writer with a particular focus on horror and science fiction. Her work has appeared in a variety of online magazines, including Metaphorosis Magazine where her short story ‘The Stranding’ was selected to appear in the Best of Metaphorosis 2020. Over the course of her life she’s worked a number of jobs, including waitressing, comic-book selling, sign-holding and as a tour guide at a German dollhouse museum. When not exploring Glasgow’s labyrinthine system of abandoned tunnels, she spends most of her free time watching old Hollywood films and attempting to knit.

Thirteen Ways To Kill Lulabelle Rock : A washed up star creates a clone tasked with eliminating other clones of herself; a whip-smart and thrilling sci-fi read that's perfect for fans of Orphan Black, Killing Eve and Keeping it Real by Justina Robson. Set in a world of the near future, the celebrity elite have access to a technology that allows them to make perfect copies of themselves, known as Portraits. These Portraits exist to fulfil all the various duties that come as the price of fame. Our protagonist is the thirteenth copy made of the actress known as Lulabelle Rock. Her purpose is to track down and eliminate her predecessors. While initially easy, her task is made difficult by the labyrinthine confusion of Bubble City and the unfortunate stirrings of a developing conscience. When she makes the mistake of falling in love with one of her targets, the would-be assassin faces the ultimate question: when you don’t want to kill yourself, what’s the alternative?

  • Dates & Booking

    Sep. 28, 2024 5:00pm

    Book now
  • Ticket Info

    Further ticket info: TBC

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