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My List (1 Items)

  • Dunedin Consort: Cicic Directs Vivaldi

    Antonio Vivaldi Sinfonia à 4 in C major, RV 192a concerto for violin and c strings in C major, RV 195 Concerto for two violins in A major, RV 519 Concerto for violin in A major, RV 341 Concerto/Sinfonia for strings in F major, RV 140 Concerto in B-flat major, ‘L’elite des Concerto Italiens’, RV 382 Concerto for 4 violins, viola and basso in F major, RV 567 Concerto for violin in A major ‘per li Coglioni’, RV 340 Bojan Čičić director & solo violin Dunedin Consort is joined by guest director and superstar violinist Bojan Čičić for this fiery all-Vivaldi programme, which explores the rich array of music that Vivaldi composed for the court orchestra in Dresden.

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