Things you’ve got to know about winter in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire

Enchanting escapes are made in Aberdeenshire; from the winter wonderlands of Royal Deeside and the Cairngorms National Park and fairy-tale castles looking more enchanting than ever in scenic surroundings to a programme of traditional and exciting events and festivals all winter long. Here are just 10 things you’ve got to know about winter in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire:

1. Winter wonderlands really do exist


2. Frozen fairy-tales await


3. Gingerbread houses come to life  


4. There are epic adventures


5. And tasty energy boosts


6. Natural displays occur


7. And enchanting events light up evenings


8. Unique traditions are celebrated


9. Local art and culture can be discovered


10. It’s the season to toast


For more information about what to do and see in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire this winter go to

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