Planes, Trains and…a Flaming 42 Litre Packard Bentley?!

You guessed it! I’m speaking about the Grampian Transport Museum…but why a flaming 42 litre Packard Bentley you ask?

Well I’m going to tell you a little bit about why I think the Grampian Transport Museum is special and we’ll get to the story about the Bentley, you’ll just have to be patient ;)

The Exhibitions!

There is literally something for everyone at the Grampian Transport Museum! From Daleks to steam trains (two of my favourite things of course) you’re sure to find something. The 2014 Pop Icon exhibition is definitely something for the Whovians among you but that’s not all, the exhibition charts pop culture from the 1960s through to the 1990s. It features some of the most memorable icons in technology from the time. Who else remembers the Macintosh 128K or better known Apple Macintosh?!

The events, events and more events!

This year I’ve made a few trips to the Grampian Transport Museum, I should really consider getting a membership! The first I went to this year was the Alford Speedfest – which is where the Bentley comes in! 

Packard Bentley

You can see from the picture there’s a lot of heat coming off it!

It was definitely a spectacular sight!

It's a Great Place for Families

The Grampian Transport Museum is something I go to with my Dad, having grown up on a farm around machinery all the time we spend most of the trip saying “Do you remember when we had one of these?”

I always see cars I remember us having when I was a kid – it’s a nice place to visit and reminisce!

Grampian Transport Museum

I can remember these being in the drive at one point…

You can find out more on how to get to the Grampian Transport Museum here.

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