A good old fashioned farce – One Man, Two Guvnors

Tuesday is notoriously the worst day of the week, the weekend is but a distant memory and the next one seems years away. However, I found the answer to beat this week’s Tuesday blues – One Man, Two Guvnors at His Majesty’s Theatre.

This good old fashioned farce has everything - a live skiffle band, slap-stick comedy, romance, gangsters – all the elements for a great night out!

The story is set around Francis who becomes employed separately by 2 men (or at least he thinks they are 2 men…), one a local gangster and the other an upper class criminal.  Francis then desperately tries to keep his 2 guvnors from meeting, with hilarious consequences. 

I attended a live screening of the show at the Belmont Cinema, when James Corden was playing the lead of Francis Henshall, who was excellent.  So I wasn’t sure if the new actor would live up to his talent, but Gavin Spokes more than amply filled his shoes!  He is superbly supported by the rest of the cast (which includes Norman Pace and 2 ex-EastEnders Jasmyn Banks and Emma Barton), who all pitch the over the top enthusiasm required perfectly.

It’s a great feel good comedy; my one word of advice is watch out if you are sitting in the front row…