Moon Tiger

If you are free, any evening up until and including Saturday, give HMT a call and get tickets to see Moon Tiger.

Edel and I went last night and loved it.  Moon Tiger is an adaptation of Penelope Lively's Booker winning novel by Simon Reade.

As such it had pedigree and that is what took us to the theatre last night.  However, if you go for no other reason, do it to see Jane Asher command a stage with a tour de force. It isn't exactly a one woman show, and there are other creditable performances, but she must have 75% of the dialogue and, staggeringly, is plausible as Claudia from her childhood to her ultimate death.

On film, no one would be mad enough to try it, but it is the magic of theatre that you can attempt it and the wonder of Asher that it works.

It is a compelling story, obviously, but the play works on so many levels with war, tragedy, loss, regrets and death all tearing at emotions and challenging the audience's own emotions.

HMT is a beautiful, intimate venue and it carries the play well.


We started of with a bite at Rock and Oyster on Union Terrace. They have a great little pre-theatre menu and you can get up from your table 10 minutes before the curtain goes up and be there with 5 minutes to spare.  Edel had the sustainable fish of the day, hake with a Stornaway black pudding risotto that converted her to black pudding and I went for fish and chips.  The fish was excellent and came in a dark "proper beer" (in my opinion anyway!) batter.  There's a good Chablis on the wine list too.

It was a great start to a really good evening.