Merchant Bistro

The VisitAberdeenshire team (minus Peter and Nikki) were delighted to have breakfast at Merchant Bistro this morning.  I was particularly excited as my sister had requested that we go there for her birthday this weekend past (I won’t mention what birthday it was) so I already knew the food was good.  Everything on the menu is as far as possible made from locally sourced produce and I was particularly impressed with Linda’s birthday lunch.  Her ham sandwich was what us farmer’s daughters call “proper ham”.  By “proper ham” we usually mean thick butch-cut ham of very good quality stock.  After such an impressive lunch I was keen to see what the breakfast had in store.

The team definitely weren’t disappointed.  We were greeted by a friendly smile from Julie and she quickly served up a round of much needed coffee.  Julie later told us that the coffee comes from a local seller: MacBeans, based on the very near by Little Belmont Street.  Judging by the cheerful “mmm’s” after the first sip I’d safely say that the coffees were gratefully received and hit the spot for the group.  I must say, after recently cutting my caffeine intake to almost nil, I am in danger of taking up the habit again after sampling my latte.


I and most of my colleagues ordered the breakfast rolls on offer, whilst Jenni went for a Breadmaker fruit scone beacuse she was expecting to have a large lunch later.  My roll consisted of bacon and egg in my favourite brioche bun whilst the rest of the group chose variations of bacon and Portobello mushroom, and sausage.  For me the bacon and egg were cooked just right, I like my bacon well done but not crispy and for my taste it was perfect.


We all seemed to agree that the food was very good judging by the five empty plates.  Not only is the food great, but the atmosphere in Merchant Bistro is very pleasant.  The décor is fresh and finished to a high standard and is suitable for a host of occasions.  It’s nice for special occasions, whilst not being in anyway pretentious.  I would happily go there for a casual Saturday lunch or for more corporate meetings.  It is in a great location for pre-theatre dining.

Perhaps if you’re heading to the forthcoming Jazz on the Green, it would be a great base for picking up a bite to eat or some coffee to keep you from getting the blues (pardon the pun)!  It's a moments walk away from the event on Correction Wynd.

All-in-all our visit was very much enjoyed and since Peter and Nikki couldn't join us we have an excellent excuse to go again very soon!