

VisitAberdeenshire is committed to providing an accessible web presence that gives members of the public full access to information, news, events and resources offered through the website.

Our best efforts have been made to ensure that this website displays consistently as it should across all major browsers and devices, and is also accessible by those who may be visually impaired and require use of screen reading software.

In producing and maintaining this website, we've thought about;

  • Users on different screens and devices. Our website is mobile friendly, meaning that it will adapt and display to provide an optimal viewing experience regardless of device or screen size

  • Providing context to our images and media. Because not everyone can see images or video clearly on screen, we've ensured that each image has appropriate supporting content and a defined alternative description (ALT text) to ensure there are other ways of knowing what an image is.

  • Colour scheme and typography. We've used a clear and easy to see web colour scheme throughout this website, as well as an easy to read font type, size and colour.

  • Navigation. It's good to know where you're going, how to get somewhere, or how to get back. We have produced a navigation that is easy for users find their way around our website.

  • Font size. If you need the text in your browser to be bigger, you can increase the size by holding the CTRL button and scrolling your mouse wheel to get the size you want. Alternatively you can hold CTRL, SHIFT and + key to increase the size.

We're always striving to make our site user-friendly and accessible to as many people as possible. If you have any feedback, or suggestions for improvement, please don't hesistate to let us know.